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King’s Countrymen Christmas Greeting


                                                                                  Newsletter Time


Hi Folks!! This has been one strange year! With the Covid virus hangin around, we have not played a note since March. On the positive note we sure have been getting a lots of stuff done around the house. Kristi & I are well. No Covid so far. Praise God!!


This is a bitter sweet time for me. It saddens me to write this letter this time. I’ve come to a realization that I think this is a time that we as a group need to make a tough decision. (Personally I’m getting use to this retirement thingy.) With much prayer and meditation, Kristi and I have decided to retire the group this year, 2020. We have made a 26 year run!! Some years we had as many as 50 plus engagements. That my friends is nearly 1 per week!! We have been trying to cut back some but it doesn't seen to work well for us. So I guess with this Covid thing, the decision has been made for us.


We had hoped to make it a couple more years. With such uncertainty it’s almost impossible to book anything in 2021. It has been a glorious run. God has really blessed us over the many years traveling the highways! As I’ve shared before not one accident on the road. (Had a few things happen in parking lots though). No injuries!! Not so good for a couple windshields and fenders tho.


Let me explain just a bit about this retirement. We plan to retire the King’s Countrymen “proper”. What that means, I am discontinuing all the permits and license connected to the business. We have run this as a business for the past 26 years. It’s time we take some time for ourselves before we all get to old to enjoy. Haha


We still would like to get together at a couple of the care centers in our area. We will no longer travel long distances. We will let everyone know by Facebook and ads if and when one of our special services will happen. Our website is good yet for a few more years so we will post on there also. There’s still good ole fashion EMAIL too. Did you think we could ever say that? In my day it was the mail. Now that's almost a thing of the past.


If this Covid straightens out and we are able to gather again in the future, we may try to start up the Open Mic/Jam here again in Mondovi, WI at the Marten Center if the city allows it. We will have to see what the future holds. Lets hope for a vaccine soon!!!


As I mentioned, none of us have played for some time. So I will try to give ya a little update on whats happening with us.


Dan Cavanaugh, our senior member, had some health issues happen recently. Around the first of September he had a pacemaker installed. He has started walking again but not quite so far nor as fast. Seems all is going much better for him now. Dan’s been busy writing another book. He told me that him and Pam have been doing all the proof reading. Guess they read it over a dozens of times each. That would keep anyone busy. (Or dizzy, I’m not sure.) When I last talked with him, the book was going to the printer. Watch Facebook for the release. I’m sure it will be very soon.


UPDATE! Dan’s novel, “Sebastian” after two years of writing, editing, rewriting, re-editing over a hundred drafts, the book is available for sale. Books are available at Volume One, 205 Dewey Street, Eau Claire WI (715 552 0457). or can be

purchased directly from Dan Cavanaugh or Lorn Schultz.

Mike Mansur had some surgery on his hand. He has Carpel tunnel in both hands. This has been hindering his playing instruments. He has had one done now but has the second one to go. Mike’s wife Lois is working part time at the care center in Augusta. This Covid virus sure has it’s effects on everyone. Lois is very careful where she goes and what she does. She has been tested a number of times but always negative thankfully. She said she would be deeply hurt if she was to have anyone get sick from her. So home and work is about all she does.


George and Elvada Cordwell are still doing fine. He’s working part time at Abbyland yet. Elvada and George planted a few things in the garden this year. Still not as large as in years past. He’s getting older too. Haha. He tells me there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day anymore. The bad part of this virus thing is we just don’t get to see each other near enough anymore!


Mary Pimblett is a real busy gal. Her chiropractic business is still open and doing great. There again she is doing all the requirements to keep people safe. We see each other from time to time at some of the things where we both volunteer. One place is Ruby’s Pantry. Mary is a very faithful volunteer at these. She also buys food units from the Ruby’s Pantrys in our area to share with others. She has a big heart and loves sharing with others.


Jim Williams is well and kickin! He and his wife Gloria have been very active in our church since the church has not been having normal services. All our services have been either on Facebook or U-tube, Jim takes care of the camera and sound duties at church. Gloria is our attendance recorder. All new rules these days.


Kristi and I have also been working with the production of our services on line at our church, Our Saviors U.M.C. here in Mondovi.  Kristi spent some in Montana helping her cousin in her move back to Seattle WA area. We are both well and staying safe. As I mentioned we’ve been getting a bunch of projects done around here. We just go to church on Sundays, grocery shopping and get drugs. That’s about the extent of our travels too. We made one trip out west this summer with our camper to attend a funeral. Traveling with our camper we didn’t go into any places of business. Just bought gas with card and always ate in our camper. Sanitized our every move. UGH!! Used so much hand sanitizer I though I was woozy from all the alcohol. Haha.


Well folks, I’ve dropped the bomb now. We are going to miss all you very much! You have all become our family. We not only MISS the music but the smiles and greetings from everyone. Not to mention the many “POT BLESSING” meals at all the events we played at. I am wearing them well!

We will post on Facebook and our website if any gathering would happen. Lord willing, we may be able to meet you again at a nursing home or care center sometime somewhere in the future! God bless everyone!!


Still IN His Service;

Lorn & Kristi Schultz and The King’s Countrymen

Edited Image 2013-4-4-11:55:33
Copyright 2013 The King's Countrymen and its licensors. All rights reserved
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